VIVA Money - quick online loans on a card up to 100,000 rubles with a high level of approval for up to 12 months.
Borrowed money can be received on the card immediately after installation and registration in the application (without guarantors and income statements).
The time for issuing a microloan is no more than 3 minutes.
The transfer of a loan to a card occurs instantly without hidden interest and commissions.
Early repayment of the loan is possible at any time.
VIVA Money Loans
Amount - from 1,000 to 100,000 rubles
Term - from 61 days to 12 months
Rate - from 0.2%
Method of receipt - online to a bank card
Repayment methods - online by bank card MIR, VISA or MasterCard, in cash at the service office, Beeline, Megafon mobile phone stores, Kari stores, branches of Sberbank, VTB, MKB, Forward Mobile terminals.
Requirements for the borrower
Citizenship of the Russian Federation
Age 21-70
Availability of permanent registration
About company
VIVA Money is one of the largest federal microfinance companies. The main activity of the Company is the issuance of microloans to individuals. The company was founded in 2011. and is in a phase of rapid development. The first office was opened in Stavropol on March 15, 2012. To date, VIVA Money Company provides loans in 141 cities in 40 regions of Russia. Offices operate under the VIVA Money brand. The headquarters is located in Moscow.
MFC "CFP" (JSC). OGRN 1217700621709 dated December 17, 2021 Certificate of MFC No. 2110177000840 dated 06.12.2011
The total cost of the loan (TCC) at the maximum interest rate per day of 1% is 365% per annum. (The limit values for the total cost of consumer credits (loans) are set by the Bank of Russia in accordance with Federal Law No. 353-FZ of December 21, 2013 “On Consumer Credit (Loans)”: psk/#a_50616 As of today, the maximum value of the total cost of a loan for microfinance organizations is the rate of 365% per annum.)
Calculation example: with a loan of 31,000 rubles for 12 months (365 days) at a rate of 0.2% per day, the amount of payment once every 1 month will be 4464 rubles, the total amount of payments is 53568 rubles.
Loaning money through the VIVA Money app is a quick solution to money problems, we will help you when you need money urgently.
We issue loans online to the card, install the application and borrow money contactlessly!